Hops N Lops Farm
Nubian, Saanen and LaMancha Dairy Goats in Harwinton, CT
Hops N Lops Ado About Nothing
American Nubian 02/22/2024 DNA Typing Pending Casein Pending G6S Normal by Parentage

*B LakeShore Midsmr Night's Dream (02-03) EEV 90
Hops N Lops As You Like It
Hops N Lops Masquerade 3*M (03-04) VVVV 87
Scotchbriar Comedy of Errors
+*B SGCH Kori-Brook Wild Romeo (03-01) EEEE 91
SGCH Scotchbriar Nimue's Evening 1*M (05-04) VEVE 90
Scotchbriar Midsummer's Eve (04-01) EVEA 85
+*B SG Wingwood Farm TL Atlas
+*B SGCH Redwood Hills Atlas Drakon (02-03) VEE 90
SG Redwood Hills MC Delilah 1*M
Hops N Lops Storm 3*M (05-03) VEVV 87
+*B SGCH Redwood Hills Atlas Drakon (02-03) VEE 90
Hops N Lops Mystique 2*M
Hops N Lops Bellatrix 1*M (05-02) VEEE 91
Ado About Nothing
