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SGCH Hops N Lops ​Dahlya 3*M

American Nubian     03/13/2017     DNA Typed & Parent Verified     B/B Casein     G6S Normal by Testing



                              +*B SG Wingwood Farm Ami Tupelo  (02-04) EVV 89

            +*B SG Wingwood Farm TL Atlas

                              SGCH Wingwood Farm Tim's Althea 1*M  (05-05) EEEE 91

+*B SGCH Redwood Hills Atlas Drakon  (02-03) VEE 90

                              ++*B SG Kastdemur's Monte Carlo

            SG Redwood Hills MC Delilah 1*M  (02-04) GEVG 84

                              Redwood Hills Delusional


                              ++B Saada Ishmael  (08-02) EEV 90

            +*B Saada El-Tuzla

                              SGCH Saada El-Levitica 3*M  (03-00) EEEE 92

GCH Hops N Lops Wysteria 2*M  (07-01) EEEE 91

                              Beornings Yukio

            Hops N Lops Bellatrix 1*M  (05-02) VEEE 91

                              Lakeridge Farm Harriet

Linear Appraisal History:

2019   (02-06)  VEVV  88

2021   (04-03)  VEEV  90

2023   (06-03)  EEEE  91


DHIR and One Day Milk Test History:

(01-10)   288DIM  1769  75F  60P

(02-11)   281DIM  1768  82F  66P

(04-00)   212DIM  1195  53F  41P  

(05-01)   177DIM  1003  73F  57P

(06-00)   274DIM  1280  65F  46P  

(07-03)     16DIM      65    3F    3P  (in progress)


National Show Placings & Notable Wins:

2018 INBA All American Senior Yearling

2017 INBA All American Intermediate Kid


2022 CDGA Nutmeg Classic 2x GCH & BOB

2018 PDGC Champagne Classic GCH


Dahlya has been a "quietly" successful doe in our herd. With a phenomenal pedigree being one of the oldest daughters out of Wysteria and Drakon, and has a lovely and very valued brood doe sister Something Wycked. This line has been consistent in mammary systems with long, wide fore udders and lovely general appearance and Dahlya is no exception. I've learned she is most certainly not the easiest doe to photograph, and really has to be appreciated in person to see how correct she really is naturally! 


Dahlya went to a handful of shows as a junior doe where she did well in very deep classes and breed divisions. Then picked up her dry leg and milking legs at two of the only shows she attended after that, so photos have been few and far between. With already having an excellent appraisal score, I expect to see her improve with age from the longevity I've seen from this dam line holding up in general appearance well into maturity.  


Dahlya's son *B Hops N Lops Rule the Galaxy has also slowly become an influential herd sire for us. He wasn't a planned buck to retain, but we are so fortunate we did with the angularity, length of bone pattern and correct feet and legs he's produced in her young daughters. Dahlya's line has been consistent for not only us, but as well as daughters and sons in other herds. Galaxy is proving he produces daughter with plenty of lateral attachment, strong medials and extremely high rear udders. His daughters are also long bodied, correct on their feet and legs, and so, so angular throughout.


Six Year Old, Fifth Freshener

Three Year Old, Second Freshsner

36837400_10212234071072957_2239694255087943680_n (1).jpg

Dry Yearling


Dahlya Rear 2020.jpg
Dahlya Sept 2019.jpg

Two Year Old, First Freshener

Dahlya Rear 2019.jpg

Two Year Old, First Freshener

Three Year Old, Second Freshener

Five Year Old, Fourth Freshener

Dahlya 2020 1.jpg

Five Year Old, Fourth Freshener

Three Year Old, Second Freshener

All photos and content are property of Hops N Lops Farm and is n​ot to be used without our written consent.

Last Updated 02/09/2025

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