Hops N Lops Farm
Nubian, Saanen and LaMancha Dairy Goats in Harwinton, CT
Hops N Lops Live From New York 2*M
American Saanen 03/13/2018 DNA Typed & Parent Verified E/E Casein
Linear Appraisal History:
2021 (03-03) VEEE 91
DHIR and One Day Milk Test History:
(01-11) 267DIM 1710 60F 50P
(02-10) 285DIM 2330 80F 64P
(03-10) 221DIM 1910 64F 49P
National Show Placings & Notable Wins:
2018 15th Place Intermediate Kid
2018 Sunny Sisters GCH (x2)
2018 Eastern States Expo RCGH
2017 Heath Fair GCH

+B Noble-Springs SET Amigo (04-04) GEE 86
McQuitty Farm Sargent (03-03) EEE 91
CH Tres Amigo Ticket Snivel
+B Araby-Farm MFS Alcatraz (04-03) EEE 92
*B Tempo Passa Evander (01-04) GGG 83
Araby-Farm TPE Adelaide (02-03) VVVV 87
CH Araby-Farm Araby Queen (05-04) VEEE 91
*B Araby-Farm Remmington (02-05) VGV 86
Tunnel's End AFR Joshua (06-02) VVE 89
CH Araby-Farm Jamie (02-04) VEEV 88
GCH Hops N Lops Cold Open 1*M (05-01) EEEE 91
+*B Companeros Jack JustInTime (04-02) VEV 88
Hops N Lops Just This Once (01-02) GVVE 86
The Once in a Blue Moon 1*M (05-01) VEEE 90
Live would be better off in bubble wrap as she is my most injury-prone goat! Due to that, she really haven't gotten out to get the recognition she deserves. With a rear udder arch similar to her mother's, she scored 37 in height and 40 in arch as a still immature three year old. With no structural scores below "very good" (yes, including feet) she is a solid doe that is a lovely combination of her parents. Unfortunately like her dam, Live has been extremely buck prolific so we are patently waiting for a doe kid but until then she has produced some fancy buck kids that have gone on to do well in other herds.

Dry Yearling
Dry Yearling
