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+*B SGCH Redwood Hills Atlas Drakon

American Nubian     03/07/2016     DNA Typed & Sire Verified     B/B Casein     G6S Normal by Testing


                              +*B SG Wingwood Farm Tao Amicus

            +*B SG Wingwood Farm Ami Tupelo  (02-04) EVV 89

                              SGCH Wingwood Farm Playtime Teasel 10*M (05-03) EEEE 90

+*B SG Wingwood Farm TL Atlas

                              ++*B SGCH Wingwood Farm TS Timothy  (05-06) VEEE 88

            SGCH Wingwood Farm Tim's Althea 1*M  (05-05) EEEE 91

                              Wingwood Farm KR Acapella


                              ++*B Kastdemur's King of the Hill

            ++*B SG Kastdemur's Monte Carlo

                              SGCH Kastdemur's Mystere 2*M  (06-02) VEEE 91

SG Redwood Hills MC Delilah 1*M  (02-04) GEVG 84

                              +*B SGCH Misty Knoll's Dandy Escort  (06-02) VEV 88

            Redwood Hills Delusional

                              SG Redwood Hills Talented Demure 7*M  (03-06) VEEV 90


Notable Wins:

2018 INBA All American Two Year Old Buck

2016 INBA All American Buck Kid


2018 ENYGC GCH (x2)


2016 ENYGC Junior Champion (x2)


Semen Availability:

We are offering a limited number of straws for 5/$300 or $65/straw, please contact us with inquires.


Linear Appraisal History:

2018   (02-03)  EVV  90


While Drakon was an impulse buy from a Facebook post, he's made quite the impact on our herd over the last few years. He has been a consistent sire improving angularity and openness, length of bone pattern, levelness of back and rump, as well as extension of fore udder. He has made so much of an impact that we continue to line breed back to him consistently with good results. 


His sire Atlas was young when we purchased Drakon, but he's made an impact on the Redwood Hills herd with many productive, structurally correct daughters throughout their herd. Atlas's littermate sister, Aviva has been a breed leader three times and produced animals scoring as high as EX92 and a national show class winner SGCH Wingwood Farm Avina 3*M. Her dam Althea won her national show class as a senior yearling and went on to win production awards a few years later. Timothy, Tupelo and Dakota Playboy all made their own impacts in several herds as well. Just some of Atlas's daughters include SGCH Redwood Hills Atlas Carnival 5*M EX90, SGCH Redwood Hills Atlas Topaz 9*M EX91 (2019 2p/2u two year old) and SGCH Redwood Hills Atlas Sachi 8*M EX91. 


Drakon's dam Delilah was a young doe but very promising especially in extension and width of fore udder, and depth and width of body. She comes from an extremely strong paternal line having ++*B Kastdemur's King of the Hill and ++*B SG Kastdemur's Monte Carlo have done amazing things for several well known herds that includes producing does placing or winning national show classes, sons that have gone on to produce national show winners such as SGCH Blissberry Rock My World 3*M EX92 and SG My-Enchanted-Acres RNBOSkittles 8*M. 




SG Redwood HIlls MC Delilah 1*M

(02-04) GEVG 84

Photo courtesy of Redwood Hills Dairy Goats

Wingwood Farm Playtime Teasel.jpg

Sire's Paternal Grandmother:

SGCH Wingwood Farm Playboy Teasel 10*M

(05-03) EEEE 90

Photo courtesy of Wingwood Farm Nubians



SGCH Hops N Lops Dahlya 3*M

(06-03) EEEE 91

Minnie 2019 Side.jpg


Hops N Lops Diminuendo

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Hops N Lops Back to Black

Storm 2021 1.jpg


Hops N Lops Storm 3*M

(05-03) VVEV 87

Masquerade Udder 2020.jpg


Hops N Lops Masquerade 3*M

(03-04) VVVV 87



Hops N Lops Storm 3*M

(05-03) VVEV 87


Littermate Sister:

SG Redwood Hills Atlas Demeter 2*M

(02-03) VEEE 89

Photo courtesy of Redwood Hills Dairy Goats


Sire's Littermate:

SGCH Wingwood Farm TL Aviva 2*M

(06-05) VEEE 90

Photo courtesy of Wingwood Farm Nubians



Hops N Lops Delphini 2*M

(06-04) EEEV 90

AA Dry Yearling.jpg


Hops N Lops Masquerade 3*M

(03-04) VVVV 87

Blondie Sept 2020.jpg


Hops N Lops Blonde Bombshell

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SGCH Hops N Lops Dahlya 3*M

(06-03) EEEE 91

Wycked 2020.jpg


Hops N Lops Something Wycked 3*M

(04-03) VGEG 87

Minnie 2019.jpg


Hops N Lops Diminuendo

Althea 2.jpg

Sire's Dam:

SGCH Wingwood Farm Tim's Althea 1*M

(05-05) EEEE 91

Photo courtesy of Wingwood Farm Nubians


Sire's Paternal Sister:

SGCH Redwood Hills Atlas Carnival 5*M

(03-04) VEEE 90

Photo courtesy of Redwood Hills Dairy Goats



Hops N Lops Storm 3*M

(05-03) VVEV 87

Rogue 2.jpg


Hops N Lops Rogue 3*M

Untitled (1200 x 1200 px).jpg (11).JPG


Hops N Lops Blonde Bombshell



Hops N Lops Delphini 2*M

(06-04) EEEV 90


Sire's Paternal Sister:

SGCH Redwood Hills Atlas Carnival 5*M

(03-04) VEEE 90

Photo courtesy of Redwood Hills Dairy Goats



Hops N Lops Something Wycked 3*M

(04-03) VGEG 87

All photos and content are property of Hops N Lops Farm and is n​ot to be used without our written consent.

Last Updated 02/09/2025

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